Yes... I'm horrible at updating! Maybe one day, I'll be better.... But until that day comes here is an update!
Ben will be 10 months old in a few weeks. Wow just wow. He was 31.5 inches and 23 pound at his 9 month appt! He is so close to walking, loves to eat and is my super snugly baby. He adores his mommy (but really what's not to adore? ;)) which makes it hard to put him in the nursery at church, but he's getting better! Oh and he is working on tooth #8! He's just growing way to fast...
Johnny is just exploding with new words and sentence every day... He is such a fun little boy! Oh trust me we have our moments where I want to pull my hair out, but it really is such a joy to watch him learn new things and discover what life has to offer. He loves his trains, anything that has to do with a train and he is all over it! When we sit down to color, he asks me to draw a train for him... I must say my choo-choo drawing skills are quickly improving ;)
And just like that, Ben awakes from his nap... Maybe this is why I never update, I seem to be short on time most days ;)