
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I am a stay-at-home mom

Ok...  Obviously I haven't posted in a while and I fell of the 365 photo challenge... 

Normally I wouldn't make a post like this but I feel I need to say this.  Take it or leave it. 

Today I went to my mom’s group.  The speaker spoke on “mom competition” touched briefly on all the different forms of it. If you are a mom then you know what I am talking about, Pinterest, Facebook, Blogs…. The mom who only cooks organic, the mom the has the 6-pack abs after she gave birth, the mom that has those amazing birthday parties, the mom that has the smartest kids, the mom that has the most well behaved kids, the mom that has sacrificed the most… You know what I am talking about. Deep down inside if you are honest with yourself you know you are guilty of it to some degree or another.  

This begs us to ask the question, “WHY?” Why are pitting ourselves against each other? Why are we making other mothers feel like a failure? Shame on us, all us. Motherhood is HARD. It’s going to beat you down, chew you up and spit you out.   Let’s not do it to each other. Let’s fix the problem.
First up, the problem. Why are we so fiercely completing with ourselves? We have lost our identity. We go from getting attention, accolades, and sense of power to all the sudden being covered in spit up and counting how many wet and poopy diapers we changed.  We feel invisible, undervalued. I went from being Sarah to Johnny and Ben’s mom.  Somewhere in between all that spit-up and poop I lost my individual identity.  Last year I went to my husband’s Christmas party and that dreaded question came around “what do you do?” I answered “I am just a stay at home mom."

One solution that the speaker gave on the topic was to find 3 other words to describe yourself.  I thought to myself “well what a great idea!!!”  Then it came to break into our small groups and talk about it and well it became my turn to speak and I could think of all of things I used to do, I realized all I could come up with is mom.  Someone asked me “are you ok with that?” I said “well no I wish I did have a title that sounded more important, but I have pretty much given everything up to be a mom…”

Somewhere between the drive home, and putting my boys down for naps, getting dinner in the Crockpot, starting laundry, I realized this…  While we stay at home mom are trying so hard to sound important in our identity, why not embrace the miracle of motherhood?  Next time someone asks you what you do, very proudly say “I am a stay at home mom!”  If we want to change the way world and society view us, it needs to start with us.  Be proud of what you do, because fellow mom, you are doing one of the hardest, most important jobs out there.  Yeah, it’s hard, it’s messy but you aren't losing your identity, you are becoming so much more.  Being a mother has taught me so much about myself, much more than any job would have ever revealed to me.  It is the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I have ever done.  C.S. Lewis has a quote that sums it up nicely “Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world. What do ships, railways, mines, cars and government exist for except that people may be fed, warmed and safe in their own homes? The homemaker’s job is one for which all other exist.”

So what are my three words?  Child of God.  Wife.  Mother.  Those three are the most important, valuable words I could ever use to describe myself because, that is who I am. 


Monday, May 6, 2013

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

This past weekend we took the boys out to a tulip farm! It was the last weekend they were running their tulip festival and unfortunately the heat and wind had taken its toll on most of the flowers, but we still had a fun time!

There was a train, that was much more exciting than smiling for the camera. Of course. :-)

Taking a break! It was warm out! :)

an old 1913 Tractor...

Ben thought his toes were the best part. 

Johnny wanted up, Ben wanted down.... Holding both is no small task, they are getting big!

"I just know I could drive this thing!"

Pumping water for the duck races!

My favorite tulip! :-)

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I love summer! 

My poor sweet boy was sick with a double ear infection.... So heartbreaking to see him just laying on the couch.... I am happy to report though that after a few doses of medicine he is back to his normal happy energetic self!

I love the spring flowers and all the colors!

11 Months Old!

How can it be that my sweet tiny (and by tiny I mean 9lb 4oz) baby boy is going to be one! Just doesn't seem possible.  It's been quite a year... selling a house, new job, moving... No wonder it seems like it has flown by! I shall cherish this last month of my baby being a "baby"... As tiring at this stage of life can be, I know my boys are growing up so fast... Soon waking up to give Ben a bottle and snuggle him back to sleep are going to be a thing of the past.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 18

Over this past weekend Grammie and PawPaw came over and they built Johnny a club house (with the help of Daddy and Aunt Marie)! I didn't think to take any picture of them building it... probably because I was inside watching two very excited boys that really wanted to go outside... It was finished right before bedtime so we let Johnny go out and see his brand new club house! He is thrilled to say the least.

Thank you to my wonderful family! He loves it! I am sitting here drinking my coffee in the peace of the early morning because I know soon I will  hear the pitter patter of feet which will turn into excited jumping up and down to go outside and play!

 Johnny is a proud new home owner!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 17- Time to get my body back!

So the reason for this photo is because I am making a fitness a priority in my life.  As a mom it so easy to put myself on the back burner and not take the time to care of myself, but I am breaking that cycle! It's time to get my body back!  So maybe if I am feeling brave in a few months I will post some before and after photos!  :-)

Days 11-16

Sorry it took  me so long to post! It was a very busy week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 10

Today is my wonderful husbands birthday! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father to our boys! I love this man more every day.

Bonus Photos! How could I not share these precious shots???

Day 8 & 9

Potty Training has begun in our house!

The boys love trains!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 6&7

My Boys.

I know what you are thinking... I have the most adorable little boys.  Well, yes I do have to agree with you :-)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 3, 4 & 5

Went to a Portland TrailBlazer game last night! So much fun! These were my favorite 3 shots from the game...

Thursday, April 4, 2013